Found this A4 sheet taped to the washroom of a small office in Chikpet, Bangalore.
Interestingly, while I was busy clicking clearer images of the sign, somebody appeared from the left, unlocked the door, went inside, locked it from the inside, did "something" for about a minute, came back outside and put the lock on it again!!
This one morning, while driving home from work, I saw this huge yellow Volvo bus with this extremely intresting caption in the back window:
For those who don't see the humour, Reva is this really tiny two-seater Electric Car, which is somewhat common on Bangalore roads (though it hasn't really caught its fair market share).
On a social note, it would be really awesome if all buses were to aspire to and attain the emission levels (zero. zilch. nil) and the driving cost per km (Approx 40p per km) of the Reva. The world would definitely be a better place.
Then again, if the buses can aspire to and attain the power and speed (max of 65 kmph) levels of the Reva, they wouldn't be able to bully around on the roads that much. :)
If buses were to aspire to and attain the seating capacity of the Reva (2 adults + 2 children), then we would have serious mass-transportation problems.
How did a spelling mistake as obvious as this make it multiple times on the PVR menu at Forum, Bangalore? Presumably a mistake by someone on a QWERTY keyboard.
What if they had made more mistakes? It would STINK!
My name (Ujjwal) is a frequent target for misspellings by people. I've Ujwal, Ujval, Ujjawal, Ujawal, etc. Today's sample is one of the best I've ever seen :) Considering I was born in Guwahati, I would now only be 500 km off the mark if I claim to be Uizzwal from Aizwal ;)
Found this one outside my college, when I had gone there for some errands. Having been through four years in that college, I completely agree with this sign!